« DAY 1: Comments on Your Comments... | Main | Day 3: West Yellowstone to Jackson »



Ahhhh, Josh - we're so enjoying your daily posts and your letting us in on your travels ... I'm sorry about the bird execution, though .... only in Montana, I guess! Love so many of your pics - todays favorite was the church behind the pasture ... hope your day is full of blessing and safe travel! Love you! Mom and Dad


PS ... also loved seeing pictures of the Cravy's and so happy you had such a good visit with them!


Great blog! Very orginal idea.


Where do I sign up for Rock Creek Lodge? . . . Just kidding, that's gross.


Wow! I am hooked on your photographs. I was excited to see what you had captured with your lense today:) Trully, thanks for sharing your journey.

As far as prayers there are some transitions going on in my life with two of my roommates getting married, different job duties at my Church, and just the usual changes that come along. In these situations I am putting on the usual "joi" strong stance but I am wearing down and would love for it to be safe for me to be weak and learn what is like to depend on His strength. I can do a lot on my own strength but I need this next season to be different.
Thank you for your prayer,


There is no chance that that was a chipmunk- looks like your run of the mill squirrel. But lucky him to live in such a beautiful place. I've never seen pictures of the Teton before. Thank you.

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