Today = amazing. After waking up early and preparing more for my day's journey, I headed upstairs and spent some quality time with Dan over coffee in their great, bright living room. Seriously, their house is perfect for them -- lots of light, beautiful wood floors, and simple. Tracey joined us and we talked long about seminary and ministry and life. I am grateful for the friendship we share and our common history. Following breakfast, we had a little photo shoot and after being blessed and sharing hugs, I headed to the public library to blog about the day before. Spent a little longer there than I had planned, but it was well worth it.
Heading East on I-90, the weather was perfect, I had the windows down and was enjoying the cool mountain air.
Here's where some tragedy strikes. I was trucking along and singing, enjoying some breathtaking scenery, when all of a sudden, I noticed a red streak out of the corner of my left eye. Turning my head quickly, as I stopped my fine duet with Emmylou Harris, I noticed, in a flash, that bright red streak coming straight at my car. THUNKTHUNK. Beak first, some poor bird hit my car door right below the window. I looked in the rear view mirror, and no joke, saw feathers flying and a lifeless bird carcass bouncing down the highway. Sadder sad. Kind of funny, I think that very well may be my first casualty ever.
Weather went back and forth as I made my way east, between bright and sunny and dark and rainy.
Listened to tape two of Enger's Peace Like A River. As I mentioned yesterday, I am hooked. He is a skillful writer who mixes his literary skill with thoughts on faith and the life of a struggling family. Today, the quote which struck me most was by the main character's younger sister, Swede, speaking about the importance of story and of what each individual's story means for the whole of their life.
Swede asks, "Is it hubris to believe that we all live epics?"
She, a nine year old poet, wise beyond her years, loves Story. Our generation, too, loves story and is hungry to connect with others' stories, and to tell our own unique Story. No, it is not hubris, it is not prideful to believe that we live the epic life. We are our stories, and we are what we have chosen to do with the stories God has given us. Think how Jesus taught: though life experience, story and mystery. Not that this trip of mine from Bellevue is aimed to be an Epic, but in some ways, I think, I simply want to share my story with you because I believe that God is active in the details, in the mundane, in simplicity. It is my hope that my stories will become epics of encouragement and a witness to the simple activity of God. And, I hope it helps you to share your own simple stories. Any thoughts on Swede's quote?
Got to talk with Mom, sister Rebecca, Don, Lindsay, and Hannah. Great to hear their voices.
It was nice to not worry about a schedule today, and to be able to stop and take pictures at my leisure. Take a peek at the Day Two photo album. There are some beautiful scenic shots and a few of the Cravy's and I.
Once i got into West Yellowstone, I made a few phone calls, and went to a great BBQ dinner -- it was neither better nor worse than Texan BBQ -- just different. I had the Mad Dog. Sausage on a bun covered with beef brisket. Really good. Friend Andrea, who lived in West Yellowstone last year, serving in ministry, recommended it to me. Thanks, Friend! After dinner, I watched a great sunset and headed to watch the Yellowstone IMAX, hoping to prepare me for tomorrow's journey. Made me feel like a real tourist.
SONGS OF THE DAY: For some reason or another.....
::Groove is in the Heart...Dee Lite
::Thousand Miles...Caedmon's Call (had to listen twice.)
::Teeth in the Grass...Iron & Wine
::Shackles...Mary Mary
::Improv...Waterdeep/100 Portraits
::Crazy Love...Paul Simon
::Better Man...Pearl Jam
::Airline to Heaven...Billy Bragg & Wilco
::The Valley Song...Jars of Clay
::Redemption Song...Bob Marley
::Where Could I Go But to the Lord...Emmylou Harris
::Bittersweet Memory...Blue Merle
I hope you are well, friends. Again, let me know how I can pray!
Till tomorrow.
You are loved.
Ahhhh, Josh - we're so enjoying your daily posts and your letting us in on your travels ... I'm sorry about the bird execution, though .... only in Montana, I guess! Love so many of your pics - todays favorite was the church behind the pasture ... hope your day is full of blessing and safe travel! Love you! Mom and Dad
Posted by: Mom | May 14, 2005 at 11:51 AM
PS ... also loved seeing pictures of the Cravy's and so happy you had such a good visit with them!
Posted by: Mom | May 14, 2005 at 11:52 AM
Great blog! Very orginal idea.
Posted by: Danika | May 14, 2005 at 12:35 PM
Where do I sign up for Rock Creek Lodge? . . . Just kidding, that's gross.
Posted by: Hilary | May 15, 2005 at 02:23 AM
Wow! I am hooked on your photographs. I was excited to see what you had captured with your lense today:) Trully, thanks for sharing your journey.
As far as prayers there are some transitions going on in my life with two of my roommates getting married, different job duties at my Church, and just the usual changes that come along. In these situations I am putting on the usual "joi" strong stance but I am wearing down and would love for it to be safe for me to be weak and learn what is like to depend on His strength. I can do a lot on my own strength but I need this next season to be different.
Thank you for your prayer,
Posted by: Joi | May 15, 2005 at 03:04 AM
There is no chance that that was a chipmunk- looks like your run of the mill squirrel. But lucky him to live in such a beautiful place. I've never seen pictures of the Teton before. Thank you.
Posted by: Hilary | May 15, 2005 at 01:14 PM