My Mom could beat up your mom. She is definitely THE Mom. Over the past few years, as with my Dad, we have become more like friends than parent and child. Unfortunately, the past few years have not allowed us to spend much time together, but I appreciate what I can get.
Things I am grateful for: her support, her prayers, her songs, her faith, her laughter, her desserts, her love.
Thanks, Mom.
P.S. She could really beat your mom up, I bet.
(Sappy post: done.)
Gosh ... thank you, Josh! I love you! Mom
Posted by: Mom | May 08, 2005 at 11:29 PM
Josh, you're back! I fully enjoyed your blog last year, and even though you're moving away from the sillier side of things (I haven't even posted any quizzes in a while; maybe that was a blogger phase), I'll be checking in.
By the way, my mom could totally whoop your mom. I'm serious. She's tough. Tough like she was hauling 60-pound bags of concrete while she was pregnant with me. But she's my mom, so I can brag.
Anyway, cheers to your new blog!
Posted by: April | May 10, 2005 at 12:53 AM