My day in a nutshell: great.
Woke up, read some of Acts 4. It is amazing. If you get a chance, revisit Acts, friends.
Got all of my car junk figured out. (I had been stressing over it.) After a great, productive morning running around town with my Dad to get it licensed and get it all checked out, and after a Jamba Juice and standing in long lines at the Department of Transportation, my car is officially licensed in the Evergreen State, I have insurance, and I can drive again. I've missed it.
Hung out with my Mom at the barn she and my sister have their horses at. (Check out the Home picture album.) Planted a vegetable garden. It was odd, as I was planting corn, I thought of how I was in the bustling city of New York not five days ago. A different pace of life. get my hands dirty and to sweat. This seminarian's hands are a little too soft after sitting in cold libraries flipping pages. Nice to have some dirt under my nails.
Ate dinner and had a really meaningful conversation about life and family history with my Mom. We don't take enough time to do that, so this was great. Especially over Thai food.
I like this life right now. It is a good rhythm and it is good for my heart. Don't get to spend too much time here, so I'm trying to soak it up.
Stay tuned in the next few days for some thoughts on Buechner's "Sacred Journey". My wheels are turning. Yes, and: worlds are forming.
"This seminarian's hands are a little too soft after sitting in cold libraries flipping pages. Nice to have some dirt under my nails."
brother, wise words for ALL seminarians. miss your wisdom.
Posted by: Reno | May 08, 2005 at 01:26 AM
have you read any other buechner books? i especially loved 'telling secrets.'
Posted by: cheryl glenn | May 08, 2005 at 02:51 PM