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I get to read this book this week for Pastoral Care. I can't wait to, I've heard it's good. I'll let you know if I run across any good articles in my Pastoral Care class.


Good book. Did Bruner recommend it? So, no L'Arche for you this summer? Sad.


Good book. I would also reccomend "A Grief Observed" C.S. Lewis- once I started it, I couldn't put it down until it was finished. During CPE, I found myself reading (at the beginning) all of the David Sedaris collection (in like 2 weeks)...and after that I was attracted to books like "Breathing Space" by Heidi Neumark...at a certain point I wanted to hear someone else's story- so I knew that I wasn't alone. Blessings as you prepare for that journey.


Sweeping Up the Heart by Paul Nisly. It's really powerful.


Which hospital are you at? Rachel Grassley is doing her CPE for Fuller at a Seattle hospital this summer as well. Something to look into...

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