"How they do live on, those giants of our childhood, and how well they manage to take even death in their stride because although death can put an end to them right enough, it can never put an end to our relationship with them. Wherever or however else they may have come to life since, it is boeynd a doubt that they still live in us.
Memory is more than a looking back to a time that is no longer; it is a looking out into another kind of time altogether where everything that ever was continues not just to be, but to grow and change with the life that is in it still. The people we loved. The people who loved us. The poeple who, for good or ill, taught us things.
Dead and gone though they may be, as we come to understand them in new ways, it is as though they come to understand us -- and thorugh them we come to understand ourselves -- in new ways too." Buechner, The Sacred Journey, 21-22