« DAY TWO: Somerset PA to INDIANAPOLIS IN. | Main | DAY FOUR: Madison WI to SIOUX FALLS SD. »



The photo is beautiful. The clouds look like they are moving in it:)


Isn't Madison totally beautiful! From there all the way through Minnesota it is so green and pretty. Enjoy your drive tomorrow as well!

Dan Morehead

Happy travels, sir.


On #4: I totally did that too, on my road trip in 2005. I went through a pass lane and didn't know whether to stop or go or throw some change out the window or what. Never got a ticket for it.

And I agree, Gary, Indiana, isn't so cool. I almost missed it.

By the way, you're probably either in Montana or Wyoming about now. I just (two days ago) moved to Casper, so if you happen to drive through, let me know!

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