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I've never owned a pair myself, but have a number of friends who have. I think it's a HUGE thing in Orangen County. Anyway, I just wanted to comment that you have a high arch!


Yeah, I finally bought a pair a few months back. I had heard they were the best sandels out there, so I checked them out. After the first few weeks of "the break-in" they are great.


My sister mentioned the photos, I had to come check them out. I've had my Rainbows for 4 years now and they're doing great. Next time I'm in California I'm going to pick up another pair. The factory store in San Clemente is awesome.

Dan Morehead

In terms of flip-flops: I like Rainbow sandals and would take Rainbow over, say, Reef, but at the end of the day I'd take Chaco over Rainbow.

Dan Morehead

In terms of flip-flops: I like Rainbow sandals and would take Rainbow over, say, Reef, but at the end of the day I'd also take Chaco over Rainbow.

Dan Morehead

...oops...sorry for the double comment.


dude, those are like the 'Shroud of Turin' of sandals!! sweet.

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