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Can you put Santa on your roof?
Those were the days, my friend!


Oh, Josh ... how fun to read. However, this is to let you know how much I'll appreciate your help the day after Thanksgiving, in pulling not quite ALL those boxes out - maybe we'll find something to send back with you. And, let me be the first to tell everyone that you took those boxes back downstairs with great aplomb - rarely complaining, even though it was a rough job!


oh man, i've just been waiting for others to get in the holiday spirit. i started listening to christmas music on nov. 1. no guilt. my mom always had wonderful decorations too! though maybe not 1298 boxes because my brother and i were probably a bit more whiny about taking them back downstairs...

Joshua M

Today, I busted out the Amy Grant in your honor. Hope you are well, Josh!


remember in 99 when there were only 5 of us in the entire dorm and you and joi and I strung popcorn for the christmas tree? good times, my friend...

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