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David Hallgren

That Banana bread sounds D'lish. We are having a fun snow day here on the West side too! Although, I was able to drive to work for the afternoon. I hope things are going well in the Kane (the Can). Let's talk/hangout/have coffee soon. Even if that is not realistic, the sentiment is real!
Talk to you soon,


Wow, that banana bread looks amazing. I'll have to look into making it for myself!


Trade you the snow for our Wyoming wind? Up to 50 mph today. Oh joy.

I've just about perfected my banana bread recipe. The secret? Three bananas instead of two, plus some crushed pecans and a drizzle of real maple syrup on top. Yum!


That looks yummy!! I'm still waiting for my snowball...for some reason I don't think that is going to happen ;)

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