So, I haven't been able to devour any books since Christmas break. I've toyed with a few, but none have stuck...mostly because I didn't have time to commit to reading a sub-par book.
At the end of this oddly snowy Spring Break, I've picked up Beautiful Boy by David Sheff - a story, as its subtitle states - about "a father's journey through his son's meth addiction." Just today, I sat at The Service Station, pouring through this book. Sheff writes honestly and the content is quite accessible and engaging. (Both Anne Lamott and Thomas Lynch are quoted throughout the book, and his writing style is very similar.)
As a person who has studied, loved, and worked with addicted persons, I find this to be a "real" book. Sheff's son Nic wrote a companion book, Tweak, which I imagine I might read after I am finished with this one. I imagine that I will finish this book by the end of the weekend.
I realize I am gushing over a book I have yet to finish...but even after reading just a few chapters, I really think it is worth checking out.
Has anyone else read it?
I actually just finished beautiful boy last night, and I started tweak today. I cant explain how much it has..helped me. David Sheff is remarkabale-y awesome.
Posted by: sanya | February 05, 2009 at 06:09 PM